Club membership
We exceed your expectations
No matter which membership you choose, you can play golf with us in the vicinity of the beautiful Erlenbach Valley. Our 9-hole course offers both beginners and experienced golfers attractive, but definitely solvable tasks.
Is golf just a sport for wealthy people? Our prices will convince you otherwise. The Golf Club Bad Mergentheim eV offers you an affordable entry into golf with a trial membership.
As a member of the Golf Club Bad Mergentheim eV you will also receive a DGV ID card, which entitles you to play against green fees in the golf clubs affiliated with the DGV.
Annual membership
Children / schoolchildren up to the age of 18 - € 50.00
Persons from 19 to 27 years of age in training / military / auxiliary service, etc. - 180.00 €
Supporting members - € 180.00
REMOTE MEMBERS (1st residence at least 100 km from the club) - € 400.00

“Child / status membership” - according to statute § 4
b 1) - Young people who have not yet reached the age of 18
The entry age ends at the age of 18.
The separate application for admission must also be signed by the legal guardian who also takes on the financial obligations.
Proof of liability insurance must be provided.
Membership presupposes playing golf and obliges to Participation in
a) Children / youth training
b) Basic trainingThe annual fee is € 50.00 to cover the association fees (Insurance, administration, etc.).
From the age of 19 is for an ordinary or extraordinary Membership to submit an application for membership.